MyHTB is a free utils for htb with mySQL backend

MyHTB is an htb(Hierarchical Token Bucket) tools for Traffic Management under Linux with mySQL database backend.
Contains WebFrontend where add/modify clients,ip and bandwidth after 1 to 5 minutes computing a new htb tree

MyHTB Diagram

MyHTB it use
Hierarchical Token Bucket ( HTB ) -
tc from iproute2 -
MySQL: The World's Most Popular Open Source Database -

WebFrontend - Apache + PHP

RRDtool -

untar the source (tar xzvf myhtb.tar.gz)
make (after compiling you will have the bin files myhtb, myrrd)
create the database myhtb
build your database from myhtb.sql
put myhtb.conf in /etc and set your database setings
copy myhtb-www dir in your web directory and modify conf.php (apache must suport php scripts)
0-59/5 * * * * /myhtb-dir/myhtb 1> /dev/null
0-59/5 * * * * /myhtb-dir/myrrd 1> /dev/null
in crontab file
and now access http://host/myhtb-www


 Myhtb 2005 (c) Silviu Vladuti

The latest myhtb is myhtb-0.1  

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